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Human Casts
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SA001 Suchey-Brooks Male Age Determination
Set consists of 12 male pubic bone models to illustrate the six phases of the Suchey-Brooks pubic symphyseal age determination system. The system is based on an extensive sample of male pubic bones (n=739), with legal documentation of age (death certificate).
Set consists of 12 male pubic bone models to illustrate the six phases of the Suchey-Brooks pubic symphyseal age determination system. The system is based on an extensive sample of male pubic bones (n=739), with legal documentation of age (death certificate).

SA002 Suchey-Brooks Female Age Determination
Twelve pubic bone models illustrating the six phases of the Suchey-Brooks pubic symphyseal female age determination system.
Twelve pubic bone models illustrating the six phases of the Suchey-Brooks pubic symphyseal female age determination system.

SA003 Epiphyseal Age Determination
Set consists of 7 medial clavicle models (1 with separate epiphysis), 7 iliac crests (2 with separate epiphyses), 2 proximal humeri and 1 proximal femur, to aid in age determination by phases of epiphyseal union. An identified Jane Doe case is also represented by three bones (2 pubic bones and 1 iliac crest) to illustrate the use of multiple age indicators.
Set consists of 7 medial clavicle models (1 with separate epiphysis), 7 iliac crests (2 with separate epiphyses), 2 proximal humeri and 1 proximal femur, to aid in age determination by phases of epiphyseal union. An identified Jane Doe case is also represented by three bones (2 pubic bones and 1 iliac crest) to illustrate the use of multiple age indicators.

SA004 Suchey-Sutherland Sex Determination
This set of 9 pubic bone pairs (5 female and 4 male) is designed to assist researchers in the sex determination of skeletal remains using the os pubis. An extensive sample (n=1284) of well-documented pubic bones was studied. Stress is given to conditions in the adolescent and hard-to-sex bones.
This set of 9 pubic bone pairs (5 female and 4 male) is designed to assist researchers in the sex determination of skeletal remains using the os pubis. An extensive sample (n=1284) of well-documented pubic bones was studied. Stress is given to conditions in the adolescent and hard-to-sex bones.

SA005 Suchey-Brooks Male Instructional Casts
Twenty-two pubic models (5 paired and 12 single) for use in instruction and practice of age determination by the Suchey-Brooks male system. These individuals are of known age (death certificate), but are not part of the original sample of 739 bones upon which the male age determination is based. #SA001 is NOT included in this set.
Twenty-two pubic models (5 paired and 12 single) for use in instruction and practice of age determination by the Suchey-Brooks male system. These individuals are of known age (death certificate), but are not part of the original sample of 739 bones upon which the male age determination is based. #SA001 is NOT included in this set.

SA006 Suchey-Brooks Female Instructional Casts
Set includes twenty-nine pubic models (13 paired and 3 single) for use in instruction and practice of age determination by the Suchey-Brooks female system. These individuals are of known age (death certificate). Information on pregnancy is included for interpretation of dorsal changes. #SA002 is NOT included in this set.
Set includes twenty-nine pubic models (13 paired and 3 single) for use in instruction and practice of age determination by the Suchey-Brooks female system. These individuals are of known age (death certificate). Information on pregnancy is included for interpretation of dorsal changes. #SA002 is NOT included in this set.

SA007 Forensic Applications I
Actual 3 John and 2 Jane Doe cases are presented to teach the use of multiple age indictors. Information is included for these identified individuals.
Actual 3 John and 2 Jane Doe cases are presented to teach the use of multiple age indictors. Information is included for these identified individuals.

SA008 Occipital Age Determination System
$359.00:with skull
$249.00: without skull
Conditions of the development of the occipital bone are shown in specimens without age documentation. The “basilar suture” is stressed with data on documented individuals. This set includes four occipital bone cast sets showing varying stages of the union of the basilar portion. Infant cranium is optional.
$249.00: without skull
Conditions of the development of the occipital bone are shown in specimens without age documentation. The “basilar suture” is stressed with data on documented individuals. This set includes four occipital bone cast sets showing varying stages of the union of the basilar portion. Infant cranium is optional.

SA009 Gilbert-Suchey Variations in the Female Os Pubis: Age, Trauma, Pathology
This set of female pubic bone casts illustrates variability seen in the os pubis relating to age, trauma, and pathology. These bones illustrate key points from the joint research of Mile Gilbert and Judy Suchey (1984-continuing). Three photographic slides are included which compare the cast of the “Lucy” (Australopithecus afarensis) pubic bone to a modern female. The cast of the “Lucy” pubic bone was provided to J. Suchey by the Institute of Human Origins.
This set of female pubic bone casts illustrates variability seen in the os pubis relating to age, trauma, and pathology. These bones illustrate key points from the joint research of Mile Gilbert and Judy Suchey (1984-continuing). Three photographic slides are included which compare the cast of the “Lucy” (Australopithecus afarensis) pubic bone to a modern female. The cast of the “Lucy” pubic bone was provided to J. Suchey by the Institute of Human Origins.

SA010 Field Sampler Series
A great variety of elements for the field.
A great variety of elements for the field.

SA100 Iscan-Loth Rib Age Determination
Forty-two casts of males and females illustrating age determination from the sternal end of the fourth rib. Instructional materials included.
Forty-two casts of males and females illustrating age determination from the sternal end of the fourth rib. Instructional materials included.

SA200A Dental Development Maxilla and Mandible Approximately 6 Years Old.
Mandibular and maxillary bone cut away to show dental development.
Mandibular and maxillary bone cut away to show dental development.

SA200b Dental Development Maxilla and Mandible Approximately 10 Years Old
Mandibular and maxillary bone cut away to show dental development.
Mandibular and maxillary bone cut away to show dental development.

CS200 Human Subadult, Upper Dentition Exposed (approx. 6 yrs old)
This individual is not documented so age is an estimation only. Upper dentition is exposed, but that of the mandible is not currently but may be in the future.
This individual is not documented so age is an estimation only. Upper dentition is exposed, but that of the mandible is not currently but may be in the future.

PI001 Human Infant Postcranial Bones
Full term human infant bones from both sides including left and right femur, tibia, fibula, os coxa, humerus, radius, ulna, scapula, and clavicle. More bones available - contact us for details.
Full term human infant bones from both sides including left and right femur, tibia, fibula, os coxa, humerus, radius, ulna, scapula, and clavicle. More bones available - contact us for details.

SA300 Human Subadult: 0.5-1.5 Years of Age
Experts at the Smithsonian age this individual at
.5 – 1.5 years of age
-Left Femur -Left Calcaneus
-Left Tibia -Left Fibula
-Left Ischium -Left Ilium
-Left Clavicle -Left Scapula
-Left Ulna -Left Radius
-Right pubis -Right Fibula
-Right pubis -Right Fibula
-Cervical Vertebra Arch (2 halves)
-Lumbar Vertebra
-Thoracic Vertebra
-Portion of Sternum
Experts at the Smithsonian age this individual at
.5 – 1.5 years of age
-Left Femur -Left Calcaneus
-Left Tibia -Left Fibula
-Left Ischium -Left Ilium
-Left Clavicle -Left Scapula
-Left Ulna -Left Radius
-Right pubis -Right Fibula
-Right pubis -Right Fibula
-Cervical Vertebra Arch (2 halves)
-Lumbar Vertebra
-Thoracic Vertebra
-Portion of Sternum

SA301 Human Subadult: 1-2 Years of Age
Experts at the Smithsonian age this individual at
1 – 2 years of age
Left femur Right ilium
Left humerus Right pubis
Left ulna Right ischium
Left radius Mandible
Left clavicle Left scapula
Experts at the Smithsonian age this individual at
1 – 2 years of age
Left femur Right ilium
Left humerus Right pubis
Left ulna Right ischium
Left radius Mandible
Left clavicle Left scapula

SA302 Human Subadult: 7.5-8.5 Years of Age
$759.00 Without Skull
$1059.00 With Skull
Experts at the Smithsonian age this individual at 7.5 – 8.5 years of age
Cranium and Mandible (optional)
Left ischium/pubis
Left femur + epiphysis
Right ischium/pubis
Left tibia + 2 epiphyses
Left ilium
Left humerus + epiphysis
2nd cervical vertebra
Right humerus, no epiphysis
Cervical vertebra
Left ulna + distal epiphysis
Thoracic vertebra
Left radius + distal and proximal epiphyses
Lumbar vertebra
Right clavicle
1st sacral vertebra
2 portions of sternum
Left scapula
Left calcaneus
$1059.00 With Skull
Experts at the Smithsonian age this individual at 7.5 – 8.5 years of age
Cranium and Mandible (optional)
Left ischium/pubis
Left femur + epiphysis
Right ischium/pubis
Left tibia + 2 epiphyses
Left ilium
Left humerus + epiphysis
2nd cervical vertebra
Right humerus, no epiphysis
Cervical vertebra
Left ulna + distal epiphysis
Thoracic vertebra
Left radius + distal and proximal epiphyses
Lumbar vertebra
Right clavicle
1st sacral vertebra
2 portions of sternum
Left scapula
Left calcaneus

CS302 Human Subadult Cranium (7.5 - 8.5 years)
This individual has been aged by experts at the Smithsonian, and is from SA302 (in the sex and age determination series). Includes cranium and mandible though mandible is not pictured.
This individual has been aged by experts at the Smithsonian, and is from SA302 (in the sex and age determination series). Includes cranium and mandible though mandible is not pictured.

SA303 Human Subadult:15-19 Years of Age
Right Radius
Distal Fibula
Right Radius
Distal Fibula

SA304 Human Subadult: Mid Teens
Right humerus with proximal epiphysis missing, distal complete union.
Right humerus with proximal epiphysis missing, distal complete union.

SA305 Human Subadult: Late Teens
Right humerus with line at proximal epiphysis, distal complete union
Right humerus with line at proximal epiphysis, distal complete union

SA306 Human Subadult: Documented 13 Year Old
Right humerus with unfused proximal epiphysis, distal compound epiphyseal fusion with distinct line and slight separation at lateral epicondyle, and unfused medial epicondyle
Right ulna with unfused proximal and distal epiphyses
Right humerus with unfused proximal epiphysis, distal compound epiphyseal fusion with distinct line and slight separation at lateral epicondyle, and unfused medial epicondyle
Right ulna with unfused proximal and distal epiphyses

SA350 Growth Series
Includes all elements from PI001, SA300, SA301, SA302, SA303, SA304, SA305
- Human Infant Postcranial Bones (#PI001)
- Human Subadult:0.5 – 1.5 Years of Age (#SA300)
- Human Subadult:1 – 2 Years of Age (#SA301)
- Human Subadult:7.5 – 8.5 Years of Age (#SA302)
- Human Subadult:15 – 19 Years of Age (#SA303)
- Human Subadult:Mid-Teens (#SA304)
- Human Subadult:Late Teens (#SA305)
Includes all elements from PI001, SA300, SA301, SA302, SA303, SA304, SA305
- Human Infant Postcranial Bones (#PI001)
- Human Subadult:0.5 – 1.5 Years of Age (#SA300)
- Human Subadult:1 – 2 Years of Age (#SA301)
- Human Subadult:7.5 – 8.5 Years of Age (#SA302)
- Human Subadult:15 – 19 Years of Age (#SA303)
- Human Subadult:Mid-Teens (#SA304)
- Human Subadult:Late Teens (#SA305)

PA001 Amputated Humerus
Well-healed amputated humerus documented 40 weeks from amputation to death, from National Museum of Health and Medicine.
Well-healed amputated humerus documented 40 weeks from amputation to death, from National Museum of Health and Medicine.

PA003 Parietal Bones with Tertiary Syphilis
This cast is a good alternative to our syphilis cranium (CS030) if you are working with a smaller budget. Excellent detail (see photo).
This cast is a good alternative to our syphilis cranium (CS030) if you are working with a smaller budget. Excellent detail (see photo).

PA004 Amputated Proximal Tibia and Fibula
Documented 14 months from amputation to death; exhibits tremendous infection. From National Museum of Health and Medicine.
Documented 14 months from amputation to death; exhibits tremendous infection. From National Museum of Health and Medicine.

PA005 Amputated Femoral Shaft
Documented six weeks from amputation to re-amputation, exhibits sequestration and callus. From National Museum of Health and Medicine.
Documented six weeks from amputation to re-amputation, exhibits sequestration and callus. From National Museum of Health and Medicine.

PA006 Cranial Sections w/ Gunshot Wounds
$549.00 for the entire set.
$99.00 per individual element.
These are from documented individuals from the Civil War, and have known intervals from injury to death of 5 days, 9 days, 20 days, 32 days, 37 days, 51 days, and 10 years. Price includes history of treatment, where known, from the post surgeons. From National Museum of Health and Medicine.
$99.00 per individual element.
These are from documented individuals from the Civil War, and have known intervals from injury to death of 5 days, 9 days, 20 days, 32 days, 37 days, 51 days, and 10 years. Price includes history of treatment, where known, from the post surgeons. From National Museum of Health and Medicine.

PA007 Fetal Cranium- Cyclopia
This infant had one orbit for both eyes. Cast includes cranium and mandible in excellent condition. From Nation Museum of Health and Medicine.
This infant had one orbit for both eyes. Cast includes cranium and mandible in excellent condition. From Nation Museum of Health and Medicine.

PA008 Fetal Cranium- Anencephaly
Cranium and mandible in excellent condition, from National Museum of Health and Medicine.
Cranium and mandible in excellent condition, from National Museum of Health and Medicine.

PA010 Sequestrum
A sequestrum is a detached or dead piece of bone within an abscess or wound. This sequestrum was removed from the leg of an individual who was shot 6 months earlier during the Civil War. It measures about 6 inches in length. From National Museum of Health and Medicine.
A sequestrum is a detached or dead piece of bone within an abscess or wound. This sequestrum was removed from the leg of an individual who was shot 6 months earlier during the Civil War. It measures about 6 inches in length. From National Museum of Health and Medicine.

PA011 Calvarium with Trephination
This Civil War soldier was shot on September 17, 1862. The doctors performed a trephination on October 11, 1862, and he died the same day. This cast shows the infection on the interior of the calvarium, and shows the smooth edges of the trephination. From the National Museum of Health and Medicine.
This Civil War soldier was shot on September 17, 1862. The doctors performed a trephination on October 11, 1862, and he died the same day. This cast shows the infection on the interior of the calvarium, and shows the smooth edges of the trephination. From the National Museum of Health and Medicine.

PA012 Femur with Shot Fracture and Infection
This individual was injured in a street brawl in which his left femur was severely fractured. The leg became severely infected. The individual died just under 2 months from the date of injury from exhaustion. The bone is in two pieces and shows extensive effects of infection.
This individual was injured in a street brawl in which his left femur was severely fractured. The leg became severely infected. The individual died just under 2 months from the date of injury from exhaustion. The bone is in two pieces and shows extensive effects of infection.

PA013 Septic Arthritis of the Knee
This bone shows extensive septic arthritis resulting in a fused femur and tibia. Excellent details from the original are captured in this cast.
This bone shows extensive septic arthritis resulting in a fused femur and tibia. Excellent details from the original are captured in this cast.

PA014 Tuberculosis in the Proximal Femur and Os Coxae
This cast shows extensive damage caused by tuberculosis in the hip joint.
This cast shows extensive damage caused by tuberculosis in the hip joint.

PA015 Tuberculosis in the Lower Vertebral Column
This cast shows extensive damage caused by tuberculosis to the lower vertebral column including vertebrae T11-L4
This cast shows extensive damage caused by tuberculosis to the lower vertebral column including vertebrae T11-L4

PA016 Brucellosis in the Lower Vertebrae
This cast shows the damage caused to various vertebrae as a result of brucellosis. Only the most severe vertebral cases were cast including 2 lumbar and 3 thoracic vertebrae.
This cast shows the damage caused to various vertebrae as a result of brucellosis. Only the most severe vertebral cases were cast including 2 lumbar and 3 thoracic vertebrae.

PA017 Septic Arthritis of the Left Hand
This cast shows extensive damage caused by septic arthritis, including complete fusion and massive remodeling of the carpal region and proximal metacarpal bones.
This cast shows extensive damage caused by septic arthritis, including complete fusion and massive remodeling of the carpal region and proximal metacarpal bones.

PA018 Segmentation Error in the Lumbar/Sacral Region
This cast displays a segmentation error involving at least two lumbar vertebrae and the upper sacrum. Beautiful detail was able to be captured from this original.
This cast displays a segmentation error involving at least two lumbar vertebrae and the upper sacrum. Beautiful detail was able to be captured from this original.

PA019 Excised Humeral Fragments from Civil War Gun Shot Wound
This individual was wounded during the Civil War by a conoidal musket ball that shattered the neck and upper portion of the left humerus. The humeral head and accompanying fragment were then removed after which the individual made a remarkable recovery. Detailed documentation of the medical history of this individual will accompany each cast copy which includes a incredible photo displaying his healed injury.
This individual was wounded during the Civil War by a conoidal musket ball that shattered the neck and upper portion of the left humerus. The humeral head and accompanying fragment were then removed after which the individual made a remarkable recovery. Detailed documentation of the medical history of this individual will accompany each cast copy which includes a incredible photo displaying his healed injury.

PA020 Humerus with Civil War Gun Shot Wound
This right humerus displays the results of a gun shot wound received during the Civil War. The diaphyseal portion of the humerus was fractured and fragmented. The bone shows no evidence of healing. No other information is available at this time.
This right humerus displays the results of a gun shot wound received during the Civil War. The diaphyseal portion of the humerus was fractured and fragmented. The bone shows no evidence of healing. No other information is available at this time.

PA900 Modern 91 Year Old European American Female
This set includes the five elements listed directly after this photo, under item numbers PA901-PA905. They include a trephined cranium with mandible, and arthritic elements including the shoulder girdle, lumbar vetrebra, left first foot phalanges, and a medically repaired fracture of the right femur, all from a documented modern 91 year old European American female. This is a great set useful for many applications.
This set includes the five elements listed directly after this photo, under item numbers PA901-PA905. They include a trephined cranium with mandible, and arthritic elements including the shoulder girdle, lumbar vetrebra, left first foot phalanges, and a medically repaired fracture of the right femur, all from a documented modern 91 year old European American female. This is a great set useful for many applications.

PA901 Osteoarthritis, Shoulder Girdle
Osteoarthritis in the shoulder girdle from a 91 year old female. Set includes clavicle, scapula, and humerus. Individual bones are available as well.
Osteoarthritis in the shoulder girdle from a 91 year old female. Set includes clavicle, scapula, and humerus. Individual bones are available as well.

PA902 Osteoarthritis, Lumbar Vertebra
Osteoarthritis in lumbar vertebra from a 91 year old female. Set includes four consecutive lumbar vertebra showing extensive osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis in lumbar vertebra from a 91 year old female. Set includes four consecutive lumbar vertebra showing extensive osteoarthritis.

PA903 Medically Repaired Healed in Osteoarthritic Femur
This femur is from the 91 year old female set above. It was fractured, medically repaired, and shows the process of healing in an osteoarthritic femur.
This femur is from the 91 year old female set above. It was fractured, medically repaired, and shows the process of healing in an osteoarthritic femur.

PA904 Osteoarthritis, Human Foot Phalanges
Left first digit proximal, middle, and distal phalanges of a 91 year old European American female with osteoarthritis.
Left first digit proximal, middle, and distal phalanges of a 91 year old European American female with osteoarthritis.

PA905 European American Female with Modern Trephination (Documented 91 Year Old)
This skull is that of a modern, documented 91 year old female and is part of a larger set of bones available under our pathology tab. Her skull shows instances of modern trephination as seen in the photos. Most teeth are missing with only four maxillary (lateral incisor to second premolar) all capped, and one partial lateral incisor in the mandible. Excellent detail in all aspects.
This skull is that of a modern, documented 91 year old female and is part of a larger set of bones available under our pathology tab. Her skull shows instances of modern trephination as seen in the photos. Most teeth are missing with only four maxillary (lateral incisor to second premolar) all capped, and one partial lateral incisor in the mandible. Excellent detail in all aspects.

PA981 Occupational Changes
PA981: $279.00
#1981-30-981, right femur, tibia, fibula and patella from Stanford Collection, San Diego0 Museum of Man, illustrates severe exostosis, with eburnation in the knee. These elements are from the same individual.
PA981A: $309.00
Additional elements from PA981 (above), including left femur, tibia, fibula, patella, radius and ulna showing classic healed Colles fracture, and the left first rib. This individual was a railroad porter, and had syphilis.
PA981B: $599.00
Includes both option 1 and option 2
#1981-30-981, right femur, tibia, fibula and patella from Stanford Collection, San Diego0 Museum of Man, illustrates severe exostosis, with eburnation in the knee. These elements are from the same individual.
PA981A: $309.00
Additional elements from PA981 (above), including left femur, tibia, fibula, patella, radius and ulna showing classic healed Colles fracture, and the left first rib. This individual was a railroad porter, and had syphilis.
PA981B: $599.00
Includes both option 1 and option 2

CS001 Southwest Skull
Includes cranium and mandible, illustrates scalping marks on the frontal and both parietal bones, probable perimortem depressed fracture on the occipital and left parietal, and cradleboard changes. This individual was C14 dated at 770 years BP. Teeth show moderate wear. Price includes two digital images of these cutmarks taken by scanning electron microscope and transferred from 35mm slides. The original of this was reburied.
Includes cranium and mandible, illustrates scalping marks on the frontal and both parietal bones, probable perimortem depressed fracture on the occipital and left parietal, and cradleboard changes. This individual was C14 dated at 770 years BP. Teeth show moderate wear. Price includes two digital images of these cutmarks taken by scanning electron microscope and transferred from 35mm slides. The original of this was reburied.

CS003 Cranial Modification: Wrapping
Cranium and mandible, this individual illustrates “wrapping” cranial modification, and possesses most teeth (missing most incisors); teeth show little wear.
Cranium and mandible, this individual illustrates “wrapping” cranial modification, and possesses most teeth (missing most incisors); teeth show little wear.

CS007 Infant Cranium and Mandible
Good detail of newborn skull
(Please note: This cast is also included in the SA008 Occipital Age Determination System casts set)
Good detail of newborn skull
(Please note: This cast is also included in the SA008 Occipital Age Determination System casts set)

CS011 European American Male Skull
Cranium and mandible, this is a documented 40 year old from Hungary, with strongly everted mandible. He possesses all teeth except 10, 16, 17, 32. From Maxwell Museum and OMI, Albuquerque, NM. Some postcranial materials also available.
Cranium and mandible, this is a documented 40 year old from Hungary, with strongly everted mandible. He possesses all teeth except 10, 16, 17, 32. From Maxwell Museum and OMI, Albuquerque, NM. Some postcranial materials also available.

CS012 Mexican American Male Skull
Cranium and mandible, this is a documented 15 year old with clearly shoveled incisors. He possesses all teeth except 1 (erupting), 3, 16, 17, and 32. From Maxwell Museum and OMI, Albuquerque, NM.
Cranium and mandible, this is a documented 15 year old with clearly shoveled incisors. He possesses all teeth except 1 (erupting), 3, 16, 17, and 32. From Maxwell Museum and OMI, Albuquerque, NM.

CS014 Mexican American Male with Cut Calvarium
Cranium and mandible of documented 17 y.o., this cast shows the inside of the cranium. Manner of death was two gunshot wounds, and cranium shows classic entrance and exit wounds. Part of the sella turcica is missing, aiding in tracking the path of one bullet. From Maxwell Museum and OMI, Albuquerque, NM.
Cranium and mandible of documented 17 y.o., this cast shows the inside of the cranium. Manner of death was two gunshot wounds, and cranium shows classic entrance and exit wounds. Part of the sella turcica is missing, aiding in tracking the path of one bullet. From Maxwell Museum and OMI, Albuquerque, NM.

CS015 Approximately 5 Year Old Child, Cribra Orbitalia
Cranium and mandible in excellent condition, moderate cribra orbitalia in each orbit.
Cranium and mandible in excellent condition, moderate cribra orbitalia in each orbit.

CS018 European American Male with Antemortem Photos
$359.00 Finished
$239.00 Unfinished
Documented 55 y.o. with series of four antemortem photographs, front and lateral views. The photographs were taken when this individual was of average and slightly overaverage weights. Teeth present include numbers 2(broken), 3-8, 11, 19-21, 24-26, 28, & 32; absent antemortem include 1, 14-16, 17, 18, 30 & 31; absent postmortem include 9, 10, 12, 13, 22, 23, 27, & 29. Finished with final color, dental fillings, etc.
$239.00 Unfinished
Documented 55 y.o. with series of four antemortem photographs, front and lateral views. The photographs were taken when this individual was of average and slightly overaverage weights. Teeth present include numbers 2(broken), 3-8, 11, 19-21, 24-26, 28, & 32; absent antemortem include 1, 14-16, 17, 18, 30 & 31; absent postmortem include 9, 10, 12, 13, 22, 23, 27, & 29. Finished with final color, dental fillings, etc.

CS023 Australian Male Skull
All teeth are present with moderate wear on this individual. The supraorbital torus is very large, and the cranium is relatively robust. The right zygomatic arch is slightly reconstructed, but otherwise the skull is in excellent condition. From A.W. Ward Museum of Dentistry, Univ. of the Pacific School of Dentistry, San Francisco, CA.
All teeth are present with moderate wear on this individual. The supraorbital torus is very large, and the cranium is relatively robust. The right zygomatic arch is slightly reconstructed, but otherwise the skull is in excellent condition. From A.W. Ward Museum of Dentistry, Univ. of the Pacific School of Dentistry, San Francisco, CA.

CS024 Occult Teeth cranium
This cranium exhibits normal dentition, with the notable exception of the medial incisors: the left has erupted approximately at the nasal spine, and is growing anteriorally, and the right is in relatively correct position, but is rotated 180 degrees. In addition, an extra pegged tooth is erupting just inferior to the left incisor, and there is evidence of a cleft palate. Otherwise the cranium is in excellent condition. Original from San Jose State University.
This cranium exhibits normal dentition, with the notable exception of the medial incisors: the left has erupted approximately at the nasal spine, and is growing anteriorally, and the right is in relatively correct position, but is rotated 180 degrees. In addition, an extra pegged tooth is erupting just inferior to the left incisor, and there is evidence of a cleft palate. Otherwise the cranium is in excellent condition. Original from San Jose State University.

CS025 Trephined Cranium from Peru
This cranium exhibits two square trephination holes with reactive bone but no rounded edges. Teeth numbers 2, 3, 14-16 present with moderate wear, tooth #12 is broken. From the Smithsonian Institution, cranium only.
This cranium exhibits two square trephination holes with reactive bone but no rounded edges. Teeth numbers 2, 3, 14-16 present with moderate wear, tooth #12 is broken. From the Smithsonian Institution, cranium only.

CS026 Extreme Modification Cranium
This cranium exhibits extreme occipital and frontal flattening, and is from Nisqually, Washington. Teeth numbers 2, 4, 14, 15, and 30-32 are present with moderate to heavy wear. Cranium only, from the Smithsonian Institution.
This cranium exhibits extreme occipital and frontal flattening, and is from Nisqually, Washington. Teeth numbers 2, 4, 14, 15, and 30-32 are present with moderate to heavy wear. Cranium only, from the Smithsonian Institution.

CS027 Cranial Modification Flattening
This cranium exhibits occipital and some frontal cranial modification. Teeth #2-6, 12, 14, 15 are present and show moderate wear, otherwise the cranium is in excellent condition. From the Smithsonian Institution.
This cranium exhibits occipital and some frontal cranial modification. Teeth #2-6, 12, 14, 15 are present and show moderate wear, otherwise the cranium is in excellent condition. From the Smithsonian Institution.

CS028 Extreme Cranial Modification
This cranium exhibits more extreme "wrapping" modification than #CS003, but the cranium is not as good. Teeth #2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, are present with significant wear.
This cranium exhibits more extreme "wrapping" modification than #CS003, but the cranium is not as good. Teeth #2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, are present with significant wear.

CS029 Tuberculosis Cranium in Individual from Alaska
This cranium exhibits significant tuberculosis lesions (about 9) around the cranial vault. This cranium is in excellent condition, but only teeth # 3-5 and 13-15 are present with moderate wear. Cranium only.
This cranium exhibits significant tuberculosis lesions (about 9) around the cranial vault. This cranium is in excellent condition, but only teeth # 3-5 and 13-15 are present with moderate wear. Cranium only.

CS030 Syphilis Cranium in Individual From Alaska
There are significant syphilis lesions on the frontal and both parietal bones. This cranium is in excellent condition, though teeth # 3-5, 7, 8, 10, and 12-14 are present with moderate wear. Cranium only (check out PA003 for a cranial section with syphilis – it’s in the “Human Pathology and Anomaly” section).
There are significant syphilis lesions on the frontal and both parietal bones. This cranium is in excellent condition, though teeth # 3-5, 7, 8, 10, and 12-14 are present with moderate wear. Cranium only (check out PA003 for a cranial section with syphilis – it’s in the “Human Pathology and Anomaly” section).

CS032 Cancerous Lesion Cranium From Egypt
Approximately the left half of the maxilla from what has been called a cancerous “mouse tumor” by various researchers. Teeth # 2, 6-8 are present, but otherwise the cranium is in excellent condition.
Approximately the left half of the maxilla from what has been called a cancerous “mouse tumor” by various researchers. Teeth # 2, 6-8 are present, but otherwise the cranium is in excellent condition.

CS033 Scurvy Cranium
This cranium comes from a documented case of scurvy and shows significant lesions on the temporal/sphenoidal regions, as well as in the upper eye orbits, palate and various other regions of the cranium. The left zygomatic arch is missing and the only teeth represented are M1 from both the right and left sides. The cranium also shows exposure damage to the parietals and upper occipital region, but remains a beautiful specimen.
This cranium comes from a documented case of scurvy and shows significant lesions on the temporal/sphenoidal regions, as well as in the upper eye orbits, palate and various other regions of the cranium. The left zygomatic arch is missing and the only teeth represented are M1 from both the right and left sides. The cranium also shows exposure damage to the parietals and upper occipital region, but remains a beautiful specimen.

CS034 Healed Projectile Wound Skull
Includes: mandible, cranium, and cut calvarium.
Includes: mandible, cranium, and cut calvarium.

CS035 Blunt Force Trauma Skull
This cast is of an adult male of unidentified ancestry. The healing blunt force trauma is located in the left supraorbital region of the frontal bone. Details of the cause of the trauma and the length of healing time are not known. Dentition on this individual is minimal being limited to one upper right and one upper left molar.
This cast is of an adult male of unidentified ancestry. The healing blunt force trauma is located in the left supraorbital region of the frontal bone. Details of the cause of the trauma and the length of healing time are not known. Dentition on this individual is minimal being limited to one upper right and one upper left molar.

CS036 Northern Chinese Female Skull
This individual was in her mid to late teens, with her third molars unerrupted. Dentition is complete and in excellent condition. All other aspects of the cranium and mandible are also complete and in excellent condition.
This individual was in her mid to late teens, with her third molars unerrupted. Dentition is complete and in excellent condition. All other aspects of the cranium and mandible are also complete and in excellent condition.

CS108 African American Male Skull
This cast has teeth #1 (abscessed), 2, 4 – 12, 13 missing postmortem, 15 – 16, 18, 19 – 29, 31. First molars are missing antemortem, #13, 17, 32 missing postmortem. The cranium and mandible are in excellent condition.
This cast has teeth #1 (abscessed), 2, 4 – 12, 13 missing postmortem, 15 – 16, 18, 19 – 29, 31. First molars are missing antemortem, #13, 17, 32 missing postmortem. The cranium and mandible are in excellent condition.

CS109 European American Female Skull
This cast has teeth # 1 (unerupted and impacted), 2 – 15, 18 -24, 25 missing postmortem, 26 – 31. The cranium and mandible are in excellent condition.
This cast has teeth # 1 (unerupted and impacted), 2 – 15, 18 -24, 25 missing postmortem, 26 – 31. The cranium and mandible are in excellent condition.

CS119 African American Female Skull
This cranium and mandible cast are in excellent condition with all teeth present and with little wear.
This cranium and mandible cast are in excellent condition with all teeth present and with little wear.

CS120 Tinian Male Skull
This individual is from the island of Tinian, and shows four occipital tubercles and a massive healed fracture of the right malar region. He is missing all teeth except 2, 6, 11, 14, 15, 21, 22, and 27. This is a striking cranium!
This individual is from the island of Tinian, and shows four occipital tubercles and a massive healed fracture of the right malar region. He is missing all teeth except 2, 6, 11, 14, 15, 21, 22, and 27. This is a striking cranium!

RI001 Male Os Coxae
Illustrates the typical male pattern. Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right os coxae.
Illustrates the typical male pattern. Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right os coxae.

RI002 Female Os Coxae
Illustrates the typical female pattern. Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right os coxae.
Illustrates the typical female pattern. Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right os coxae.

RI002M Modern Female Os Coxae
Illustrates the typical female pattern in an anatomically modern size individual. Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right os coxae.
Illustrates the typical female pattern in an anatomically modern size individual. Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right os coxae.

RI003 Male Pelvic Girdle
Left and right ossa coxae and sacrum of a classic male.
Left and right ossa coxae and sacrum of a classic male.

RI004 Female Pelvic Girdle
Left and right ossa coxae and sacrum of classic female.
Left and right ossa coxae and sacrum of classic female.

RI004M Fully Modern Sized Female Pelvic Girdle
This pelvic girdle was chosen and cast for its more accurate representation of a fully modern female as it pertains to overall size, and makes an excellent instructional model for anthropology courses, as well as, maternity and birthing instructional purposes.
This pelvic girdle was chosen and cast for its more accurate representation of a fully modern female as it pertains to overall size, and makes an excellent instructional model for anthropology courses, as well as, maternity and birthing instructional purposes.

RI005 Articulated Male Pelvic Girdle
Left and right ossa coxae and sacrum of a classic male.
Left and right ossa coxae and sacrum of a classic male.

RI006 Articulate Female Pelvic Girdle
Left and right ossa coxae and sacrum of classic female.
Left and right ossa coxae and sacrum of classic female.

RI006M Articulated Fully Modern Sized Female Pelvic Girdle
This pelvic girdle was chosen and cast for its more accurate representation of a fully modern female as it pertains to overall size, and makes an excellent instructional model for anthropology courses, as well as, maternity and birthing instructional purposes. Articulated and disarticulated options available. Ask about our fully articulated model with durable, flexible joints.
This pelvic girdle was chosen and cast for its more accurate representation of a fully modern female as it pertains to overall size, and makes an excellent instructional model for anthropology courses, as well as, maternity and birthing instructional purposes. Articulated and disarticulated options available. Ask about our fully articulated model with durable, flexible joints.

PH001 Disarticulated Human Hand
Cast of hand of European American male, larger than those usually available from anatomical supply houses. Each bone individually cast in poly urethane. Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right hand.
Cast of hand of European American male, larger than those usually available from anatomical supply houses. Each bone individually cast in poly urethane. Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right hand.

PH002 Articulated Human Hand
Cast of hand of European American male, larger than those usually available from anatomical supply houses. Each bone individually cast in poly urethane. Articulated in brass wire, elastic cord, or Beauchene style ($20.00 more).
Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right hand.
Cast of hand of European American male, larger than those usually available from anatomical supply houses. Each bone individually cast in poly urethane. Articulated in brass wire, elastic cord, or Beauchene style ($20.00 more).
Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right hand.

PF001 Disarticulated Human Foot
Cast of foot of European American male, larger than those usually available from anatomical supply houses. Each bone individually cast in poly urethane.
Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right foot.
Cast of foot of European American male, larger than those usually available from anatomical supply houses. Each bone individually cast in poly urethane.
Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right foot.

PF002 Articulated Human Foot
Cast of foot of European American male, larger than those usually available from anatomical supply houses. Each bone individually cast in poly urethane. Articulated in brass wire, elastic cord, or Beauchene style ($20.00 more).
Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right foot.
Cast of foot of European American male, larger than those usually available from anatomical supply houses. Each bone individually cast in poly urethane. Articulated in brass wire, elastic cord, or Beauchene style ($20.00 more).
Please indicate when you order if you prefer the left or right foot.

FC001 Full Fragments Collection #1
Includes the full set of 55 fragments currently available. This set includes cranial & postcranial fragments, as well as, a few non-human fragments for variety. Purchasing the full set saves you money, nearly 30% over smaller quanitities.
1-24 Fragments: $40.00 per fragment.
25-54 Fragments: $35.00 per fragment.
Includes the full set of 55 fragments currently available. This set includes cranial & postcranial fragments, as well as, a few non-human fragments for variety. Purchasing the full set saves you money, nearly 30% over smaller quanitities.
1-24 Fragments: $40.00 per fragment.
25-54 Fragments: $35.00 per fragment.

FC002 Full Fragmentary Collection #2
Includes the full set of 46 fragments currently available. This set includes cranial & postcranial fragments, as well as, a few non-human fragments for variety.
1-24 Fragments: $40.00 per fragment.
25-54 Fragments: $35.00 per fragment.
Includes the full set of 46 fragments currently available. This set includes cranial & postcranial fragments, as well as, a few non-human fragments for variety.
1-24 Fragments: $40.00 per fragment.
25-54 Fragments: $35.00 per fragment.
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