How are we doing this?
France Casting has an agreement with the National Museums of Kenya to be their distributors.
Our agreement allows us to accept purchase orders for National Museums of Kenya casts.
By making these casts available through France Casting, we are expanding the opportunity for many of you to purchase genuine National Museums of Kenya casts.
Why are we doing this?
You deserve an accurate cast made from the original, not material estimated from photographs or measurements of a cast of the specimen.
If you buy directly from the National Museums of Kenya or indirectly through France Casting, you are providing support for the museums in Kenya.
Most importantly, you contribute to the continuation of field work efforts to locate more of these magnificent finds.

Are we making money on the deal?
The price of the cast is the same to you, whether offered by France Casting or from the National Museums of Kenya.
They discount the price of each cast to us just enough to cover our efforts in making this process possible.

Why Should you buy from us?
Every cast you buy directly from The National Museums of Kenya or through France Casting gives some assurance that the incredible research programs engaged in locating, excavating, studying, casting, and distributing the original fossils will continue.
The National Museums of Kenya have requested both respect for their products and that other possible sources not duplicate those products without permission.
France Casting has put together this program in order to insure that high quality casts will be available to those who expect that quality.
Buying from other suppliers provides no guarantee of support for the National Museums of Kenya or their continuing research efforts.
The availability of France Casting as an intermediary distributor was developed principally in order to facilitate purchases from Kenya in circumstances where there may be some hesitancy with ordering from a foreign source.